St. Sage Academy


Chapter 1Chapter4 Chapter7

Chapter 2. Chapter5 Chapter8

Chapter 3  Chapter6 Chapter9


Kumiko is a smart girl. So smart that she gets everything really fast.

Yuko is an irresponsible adult who often times makes mistakes.and has a temper. Yuko is also a swordsman. Often times seen training for the battle to protect ssa or start one.

Takashi is a swordsman. He takes care of kumiko when her parents died. He no longer fights in the world of ssa. He spends most of his time working at the family shop.


 Any part of my manga may not be redistributed among yourself.
Kumiko yagami promises you can go to any of my other websites and learn about me or what I'm doing. All of them say something different for the most part.
Please ask before using my art.
One cappuccino please?
One cappuccino please?


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